
Header 38f454
photo courtesy of DUN Magazine

I love it when you learn a new trick to something that you’ve been doing your whole fishing career.  Many of you already know this one, but for those of you who don’t – you’re going to thank me for putting in something so basic.  It will be an “A-Ha!” moment.

Assemble your rod from the tip down.
This way of assembling your fly rod removes the step of having to try to find a place to set the butt section of the rod during assembly.  If you’re like me and a bit neurotic about scratching your rod, this is a life-saver!

Here’s the step-by-step for those of you who need it:

First: After unscrewing the cap and removing your fly rod sock, remove the tip piece of your rod.

Next: Remove the second to the tip section and attach to the tip.

Next: Continue on down to the butt section.

Next: Place the sock in the tube and close

