Working in the fly fishing industry is my dream job. I’d like to think I was deliberate in my pursuit, but honestly, I fell into it by accident. To say I feel fortunate is an understatement. I get to travel, meet the most interesting people, and fish. I never thought that one day I’d be living this life. That’s why when I read about this opportunity, I just had to say something. If you are working in a job that’s not your dream job, but know what your dream job is, then what I’m going to say next could just be a life-changer.

Prana, the company that makes great women’s outdoor gear, is now entering the life-changing business. They are looking for one person who is ready to quit their current job and pursue their lifelong passion, and they’re going to give you $100k to do it. Consider it a “friendly nudge” so you can take the leap from working that day job to working your dream job.
If you’re ready to reach for the stars, then let your personality shine and go for it. Enter their Dream Job Promotion. Put together a video that is real, fun, and creative about your current job and tell them what your dream job would be. Creativity is the key here. All the submissions will be reviewed by judges who will select the finalist based on passion, boldness, and originality.
So get to work! Use your lunch hour or after work time (don’t short your current boss…that’s just not good karma) and go for it! But don’t dawdle. The entry period is only until September 16th, so get to work filling out the application! This might just be the life-changing project that your future self will thank you for!