Nothing can spoil a planned day out fishing quite like bad weather. Granted, there are some instances in which poor conditions can actually lead to more bountiful fishing. But while it’s raining, and you’re in some would-be beautiful location wishing you could be outside, it can be easy to get a little bit bummed out. Unfortunately there’s no real fix for this, save to wait out the weather (or, if it’s tame enough, just head out anyway). But for a more playful pseudo-solution, we’ve rounded up five fishing-related games you can play - usually with just a mobile device - to pass the time until you can do the real thing.

1. Fly Fishing Simulator HD
We’ll start with a game specifically about fly fishing. Actually, across various types of gaming, there are several fly fishing games worth checking out if the idea interests you. But if you want a convenient mobile option you probably can’t beat Fly Fishing Simulator HD. It’s a highly realistic game with a variety of different settings (more than 30 rivers to fish in, though some will cost you $1 upgrades), and its gameplay and general physics do a nice job of approximating the real thing.
2. iFishing
Despite its name, which is suggestive of Apple exclusivity, iFishing is actually available on both iOS and Android devices. And basically, it’s another hyper-realistic fishing simulator (to the point that it didn’t initially market itself as a game). In this case, the action doesn’t revolve around fly fishing specifically, and you’ll be fishing in lakes (15 of them) instead of rivers. But in terms of gameplay, fish variety, and realistic quality, it’s another mobile title that’s tough to beat.
3. Let’s Fish
For some reason, this game’s full title in the Google Play store is “Let’s Fish: Sports Fishing Games. Fishing Simulator,” which we want to mention just so there’s no confusion if and when you go to download it. With that little note out of the way though, let us state that this might be the most complete fishing game on the mobile market. With 400 species available to catch, thoroughly engaging gameplay, and 40 locations based on real places all around the world, it’s one you might not want to stop playing even if the weather clears up for you.
4. Great Blue Slot
Great Blue is a slot machine game primarily hosted at UK-based casino platforms, which means it may not be everyone’s typical go-to title. However, with these casino platforms inviting no-deposit play and functioning via mobile, they’re actually pretty accessible (as in you don’t have to be a gambler to enjoy them), and Great Blue is a nice, casual option if you want a fishing-related game that will help you wait out the weather. It’s simply a soothing, ocean-themed slot arcade with a deep-sea background and various fish and creatures on its reels.
5. Ridiculous Fishing
This may be the most well-known game on this list (it generated 300,000-plus sales the year it was released), and while it’s a far cry from some of the realistic simulators above, it might also be the most entertaining. Ridiculous Fishing is an arcade-style mobile game in which you’re tasked with guiding a baited hook past obstacles to get it as deep as possible before it catches on something. Then, once you do catch a creature, you’re meant to hook as many additional ones as possible on the way back up. That’s about it, but it proves to be an incredibly fun game for passing the time - even if it doesn’t really resemble actual fishing.